Today we rode 72 miles from Lincoln to
Fairbury, NE.
There's not much to say about today
because it was pretty straightforward. We were on trails for about 45 miles,
which was a little frustrating because one of the trails was 33 miles of
crushed limestone. Crushed limestone is not ideal as there's obviously a lot of
rolling resistance, but we've been on trails with it plenty of times, and
though they're not the most fun they are fine. However, on this one the pieces
seemed to be larger and there was a slight uphill (what we call a "false
flat") for 20 miles. We felt like we were putting in so much effort and
not getting anywhere.
Dave climbing a downed tree on the trail. |
At our lunch stop we were in Beatrice,
NE and were next to a museum that was thrilled to have us coming through. They
called the local news and we got interviewed and got our picture taken. We're
getting used to being celebrities ;)
Everyone was tired at the lunch stop
and we were tempted to lay on the concrete and take a nap, but we forced
ourselves to get back on the bikes and keep moving.
Gavin couldn't find a knife so he used a piece of cardboard from the pizza box to cut his muffin. Creative solutions? |
We then had 27 miles on NE-136 West,
which I really liked because it was flat, and there was a really big, clear
shoulder. We kept a really solid pace of 17-19 mph. Yay for nicely paved
The van-unloading assembly line. This happens every day to get all 25 duffels, 25 backpacks and other miscellaneous items out of the van efficiently! |
Our host today, and our hosts for the
next 4 days, are 10+ year 4K hosts. This means they love us and are very
accustomed to our needs. We have heard great things about our Nebraska hosts
and we are really excited to meet them.
You may notice that our route through
Nebraska is rather southern and in theory we should be taking a much more
northerly route if we're going to Portland. The reason for this is because when
the Portland ride began, they took part of the original San Francisco route in
order to grab these great hosts in Nebraska.
Our host in Fairbury, Grace Lutheran
Church, has indeed been amazing!!! They know exactly what we need and have made
us feel so comfortable and welcome. When we arrived they had tarps down for us
to put our bikes on, as well as trays of cookies and cold water. We also got
interviewed for the local news again!
Members of the church came in to
shuttle us to the Health & Wellness center to take showers.
In order to comply we had to roll up the sleeves on our jerseys. |
Then we had
a potluck dinner, with the most food I've seen all trip!!!!! There were
probably at least 20 different dishes and everything was delicious. Quite a few
church members joined us for dinner and we got to talk to them and introduce
ourselves and why we're doing this trip.
Post-dinner Settlers of Catan game |
The 4K van with a rainbow in the Wal Mart parking lot. We made a Wal Mart run after dinner because we probably won't see another Wal Mart for a week. |
I am currently exhausted from a lack of
sleep and we have a century tomorrow! Until next time!
*Note this was posted a few days after! I have new posts on Franklin & Arapahoe, which will be coming up tomorrow.
Good thing Dave keeps his helmet on when climbing trees!