- Total number of miles ridden: 4,507
- Longest day: 121 miles (Moab to Price, UT)
- Shortest day: 15 miles (Vancouver to Portland)
- Average daily mileage: 75 miles
- Number of centuries (100+ miles in one day): 8
Ain't no mountain high enough:
- Total climbing over entire trip: approximately 140,000 ft (that's about 26.2 miles - a vertical marathon)
- Number of mountain passes: 11
- Most climbing in one day: 8,043 feet - Cambridge ID to Baker City OR
- Highest elevation reached: 11,991 ft - Loveland Pass in Colorado
Bumps in the road:
- Number of flat tires: personally - 17; collectively, waaaay too many to count
- Number of falls (me): 0 (Yep, that's right, I was actually the ONLY person on my team to not fall off my bike at all)
- Hottest day: 103 degrees (Western Nebraska)
- Coolest day: 65 degrees (Oregon Coast)
- Number of rainy days: approximately 5
- Number of tornado warnings: 1
- Number of nights we camped: 2 (and by choice!)
- Number of nights we didn't have showers: 0 (yay!)
- Number of different showers we showered in: 62
- Number of nights we had beds to sleep in: approximately 10
- Number of homestays: 4
- Smallest town: Mitchell, OR Population 150
- Largest city: Chicago, IL Population 2.7 million
- Number of times there was no cell service for 24 hours: 3
- Total number of states: 13
- Number of other cross-country cyclists we met: approximately 10
- Average wakeup time: 5:30 am
- Average number of calories burned per day: approximately 4500
- Ride days/Rest days/Van days: 55/9/6
- Net change in weight from Day 0 to Day 70: +10 lbs believe it or not!
Top 3 favorite states:
- Pennsylvania
- Iowa
- Illinois
Top 3 favorite rides:
- Hells Canyon (110 miles and 8000 ft of climbing, very difficult)
- Pittsburgh (poured all day, got lost in the ghetto, super not-bike-friendly city)
- Des Moines to Atlantic, IA (30 mph headwinds and brutal rollers the whole day)
Scariest rides:
- ghetto factor: South Side Chicago
- traffic factor: the Interstate near Boise, ID
- steep downhill: Teton Pass just west of Jackson
Best rest day: I seriously can't pick one, they were all really fun!!!
Fundraising Facts:
Fundraising Facts:
- Personal fundraising: $9,618
- Team Portland 2013 fundraising: approximately $160,000
- 4K 2013 as a whole fundraising: approximately $800,000
What we did:
- Awarded $25,000 in scholarships to help 10 young adults affected by cancer to pursue higher education
- Created and distributed over 100 'Chemo Care Bags" to cancer centers across the nation
- Biked and ran over 22,000 miles collectively
- Changed and inspired hundreds of cancer-affected communities in the United States
Where the fundraising money goes:
***The only 'program support' for the 4K that is taken out of fundraising is money for gas for our support vehicles. Everything else (food, lodging) we got donated, bike maintenance we did ourselves, and bike gear and transportation back were our responsibility.
With that I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated!! I hope you feel confident that your donation made a difference. The service work we did was extremely rewarding, and I saw the funds go into action across the country. None of this would be possible without you!
With that I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated!! I hope you feel confident that your donation made a difference. The service work we did was extremely rewarding, and I saw the funds go into action across the country. None of this would be possible without you!
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